Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Got A Dream

This is my favorite new expression to hear from Hunter...

The first time I heard it he said "Momma, I got a dream." "You had a dream? About what?" "I got a dream about you, momma." "What was I doing?" "You do this *insert angry face*"

"Momma, I got a dream." "About what?" "Dora, Jackson, and Madasyn in the bathtub." "Umm, that's strange." Then he erupted into laughter.

"Momma, I got a dream." "You got a dream?" "I got a dream I got a puppy. *insert sweet please face*" "It was only a dream son." (This poor child wants a puppy so bad. Sweet boy, you are never getting a puppy.)

He tells me this almost everyday and seriously, I become completely engrossed in what he will say. It is so interesting to think that he has dreams and he remembers them. Or he is completely making it up. Either way, I love it and am totally mezmorized by how his mind works :)

I need to start writing them down because anyone who really knows me, knows I remember nothing :) I ws inpired to blog these by my friend Melody. She has many posts recording the cute things her boys say and I love reading them! Thanks Mel!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mr. Jackson is 9!

Seriously, this is just insane to me! He is my first born son. I remember the day he was born, though some of the details are vague, it doesn't seem like that long ago...

Jackson at nine...

You are 55lbs and I am guessing about 4'1"?? Or something close to that :)

You wear a size 8 pants, but mostly for the length, because you can actually wear Hunter's 4Ts and 5Ts, and sometimes in your haste in the morning, you try

Your favorite toys are Legos, Bakugan, Pokemon Cards, and most video games. Though right now you are really into Halo Reach!

You love to go to Church and have some wonderful friends there...The Tobey boys, Sam, Drew, and really you just love everyone :)

You still hope to grow up and play Major League Baseball and I still believe you can :)

You are super duper smart! A math whiz! You shock me sometimes at how fast you can solve math problems in your head in seconds. You are getting more into reading. In fact just this past week, you and I have been to the library twice! You are loving the Magic Tree House non fiction books!

The best thing about you is how loving and charming you are, or I should say, can be.

You have been struggling with your Dad moving away, so you have needed some extra reassurance and hugs, but you have really gone through it well. I am so proud of you!

I am always impressed with how good you are to your baby brothers. Hunter loves you so much and loves to spend every minute he can with you. I know it is hard on you sometimes, but you are usually pretty patient and understanding with him. Thank you. Finn just smiles every time you enter the room. I'm sure he can't wait to hang with you too.

You said to me the other day, that you wanted a baby sister, but you weren't sure how you could protect three younger So sweet. Don't worry, you will only have the two to worry about :)

You are becoming less of a "little" boy everyday and I am so proud of you and could not love you more! Thank you for bringing all the joy to my life!

Happy Birthday, my precious first son! And remember what I taught you when you were 2..."Jackson, who loves you more than Mommy?" "No one."


I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Ever since I recently began praying everyday, I have been praying for more patience. Or rather to learn how to be more patient...whichever way I say it doesn't quite sound right, but you get the jist of it.

So this is what happened...
Things haven't been running very smooth here. Issues with all sorts of things, money, John's happiness at his job, running children to activites, getting the older children to pitch in around the house more, my feet (a whole other post in itself), etc....So I go to Church one Sunday, feeling completely weighed down by it all and like I really didn't have time to spend three hours at Church, and feeling like Praying just wasn't working for me, and poor me...etc. Then in the third hour, Relief Society (it is a time when just the women meet for a lesson and discussion), a lesson was taught about patience. WHOA! "Did she just say her lesson was on patience?" this was my first thought. And seriously, I don't know how it happens, but everytime I attend Church feeling broken down and blah, someone gives a talk, or a testimony, or just adds to the discussion, the one thing that is on my mind at the time. I know it sounds nutty, but I'm telling you, this is how I know this Church it True and that Heavenly Father is listening and responding, just not always how I think He will....Anyways, back to my revelations on patience. So the wonderful woman who is teaching the class (forgive me, I cannot for the life of me remember her name), is really talking about being patient in our Faith and is discussing how the Lord is patient with us...At some point I'm sure I became preoccupied with Finn, or was distracted...I really mostly try to listen and take it all in, but I also have an 8 month old baby and my 4 year old running around, usually in the hallway, so I almost always miss part of the talk.

After the lesson, I go home and I don't think about it much again. I know I'm not a good example, but I am honest.

A month later, I am driving to Ohio to visit my Mom. This had been a particularly awful day. I won't go in to detail, but by awful, I mean really bad, let's just say I started the morning sobbing at 7am. But as I was driving through some rural part of the highway, I had a revelation! PATIENCE...oh my goodness! This is my lesson, this is what I have been praying about. This is how Heavenly Father is teaching me. It was like a ton of bricks. I am learning how to be patient everyday. I think my lesson, was more focused on my selfishness and haste, in wanting what I want, when I want it (sounds good in theory.) But, I think that struggling a little in life and having the patience to just make it through everyday is MY lesson. He is teaching me and helping me and making me stronger. CRAZY! This is all so new and strange, some may say just coincidence, but I have to belief it is Divine Intervention.

So, I know that there a lot of my friends who don't have the same beliefs and will definitely think I have lost my mind (there are still times I wonder too), but I am serious about this. I have never been a religious person, nor have I ever been someone to go to Church, especially for three hours, but this is something I cannot deny. And I know you will all still love me as much as I love all of you. I just wanted to share my story because it happened a while ago and I still can't stop thinking about how real it was or I should say, how obvious it was, after all.

To all my friends from Church that inspire me, encourage me to attend, and help me to learn...Thank you!

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Aunt Jamie, di you always know you wanted five kids?" Kennedy Vincent

I was doing laundry, while she was playing with dolls on the floor when she asked this question. I didn't really think much of it at the time and simply answered "I never knew exactly how many, I just wanted a large family." I then went on to explain that I am an only child and while as a child it is nice, it is kind of lonesome as an adult. I also told her how lucky she is to have two brilliant, fun sisters to love!
Now I begin to really think about it all...How wonderful it would be to have sisters like this? One is my twin and one is older and wiser and someone to really look up to.
Then I think about my "sisters," my friends. They are irreplaceable, just like a blood sister. They are there for me, always supportive, honest with me. They are here for me to cry with, laugh with, do crazy things with, complain to, vent with...and on and on. With these "sisters" of mine I could conquer the world!
What I am trying to say is I am lucky! I am lucky to have five healthy, beautiful children. I am lucky to have my family and "sisters." I am lucky to be able to open myself up and be grateful for what I do have!
To all my "sisters" I love you and I couldn't make it without you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

John Findlay aka Finn, "Finney", "Mr. Finn", "The Finster", "Finney, Finn Finn", "The Baby"

Finn, what can I say? 6 months has gone so fast! You are THE HAPPIEST baby/person, I have ever met. When you wake in the morning, you wake up smiling and talking, never crying. If someone passes by you in the house, you smile, if we pick you up, you smile, if we change you, you smile and on and on....I guess we are all doing something right. Raising you/taking care of you is definitely a group effort. Everyone in the family/house is involved and they LOVE it! Your sisters are constantly picking you up and hugging you and asking what you need next, the boys are always on the floor with you, talking to you, kissing you. Love is all around you, you are so adored!
You haven't had your official six month check up yet. I had to postpone it because of all the activities we had planned with your siblings and visiting Grandma this summer. But at your last visit, a week before you turned six months, you were 17lbs and 26.5 inches long. You are so long! Here are you other stats:
-you eat jar baby foods, twice a day (apples, pears, carrots, squash, peas, bananas)
-you eat Gentlease Formula, 5 times a day. Anywhere from 6 to 8 ounces
-you wear size 3 diapers
-you wear 6-9 month clothes
-you sleep 12 hours at night, give or take an hour, some nights
-you aren't a good "napper" yet. Usually they last 20minutes to an hour
-you can almost sit up
-you love the Jumperoo
-you love to pull my hair!
-you love your binkie when you are sleepy, but only the ortho shaped ones
-you have excellent grasp and fine motor skills, already! Bring on the cheerios!

Also in the last 6 months you have had almost every illness :( You had RSV as a newborn, Hand Foot Mouth, pink eye, and ear infections. My poor guy. I will say too, for as happy as you usually are, oh boy, when you are sick, watch out!

Finn, you are loved so much, and you are such a light in all our hearts! We love you little man and are excited to keep watching you grow.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'm back...

So I don't really know where I was...Oh yah, here with all five of these zany kids and the dog days of summer :) I'm not really sure what we have been doing, but we seem to have been busy. I think about blogging a lot, but have a hard time finding a block of time to do it and really focusing on one subject at a time. The ADD kicks into hyper drive...
This summer we played lots of baseball and softball (softball was interesting.) Lots of activities with Church, visiting Grams's and her visiting us, a trip to Turtle Cove, a membership to the Flat Rock Comm Center, summer school...Ok, so I guess we have been doing stuff, but there is still so much to do. We haven't seen Kelly, we haven't been to the zoo, I want to get back to Turtle Cove, visit Mom for a longer time, visit John's Mom....and time is running out! Ahhhh!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monday's Week in the Life

I know I am a little behind on posting about my project, but I have really been trying to focus on it while still running the house and making it to all the kids activities. Whew, that can be super exhausting.

Ok, so Monday I was super excited to get started and was totally on the ball. I recorded everything I did and the time that I did it. That was a lot of recording, but interesting to see just how much I could cram into one day :) One of my favorite quotes from Monday was when Hunter and I went into his room to turn on his TV he looked at me and said " My Hunter room is a mess!" LOL! Which translates into "Clean my Hunter room Mom." Before 10am I had finished paking lunches, gor Hunter breakfast and changed, said goodbye to Mad and Jack, fed and changed Finn, watched Desperate Housewives while he ate, did a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, gave Finn a bath, took Finn's 16 week photos, cleaned out my container cupboard and laid Finn back down for a morning nap. It was after looking at this that I really realized, that Moms, stay at home or working, are really able to accomplish many tasks in a short amount of time and rarely, if ever do we get recognition. Yet, somehow, we wake up the next day and do it all again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a very eye opening project and I really encourage all of my friends and family to do it. Even if you only do one day and even if you aren't a scrapbooker! I am so glad that I follow Ali Edwards blog and was finally motivated to do this for myself and family! How fun it is going to be to look back one day and see what we did :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week in the Life

Whew, I have been wanting to do this project from Ali Edward's Blog for so long, but wow it is a lot of work. Writing things down so I can journal tonight, taking photos of everything...I love my photos though :) I just think this is an awesome idea that the kids and John, can someday look back on and see that Mom really doesn't just sit around all day. Not that I really believe they think this, but I am sure they do wonder what it is that goes on here all day while they are working and at school. I cannot wait to share my project with everyone here as well. Fun! I think it is good for us Moms to take the time to see how hard we do work and to see just how much we can really jam into one day. As I have done this today I realized that I haven't even had the chance to really play with Hunter and Finn. So tomorrow I am going to make a conscientious effort to really spend some time with them and maybe get outside with them, something :) The cleaning can wait and I can be in the moment, before these moments are gone. Check back in to see where I am in the project and if I have been able to keep it going ;)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little League!

I love Little League Season! I really enjoy watching Jack play baseball and John and I really try to be involved. This year John is coaching Jack on the Farm Reds team. YAY. This is especially cool, since my Mom now lives right outside of Cincinnati. What a strange coincidence that we would be given the Reds as our team :)

This year Jack is learning to pitch and is doing incredible (at least I think so :) ) I took 96 pictures tonight at practice. Not really sure how that happened..and they are so funny. I think I have the Michael Jordan of baseball on my hands. You will see in the pics that he sticks his tongue out when he throws LOL! It was too funny. The best part of practice though, is just seeing the boys out there having fun, working as a team and getting along. All too soon sports become overly competitive and all the fun is gone :( So for right now I am going to soak it all in and encourage Jack to do the same. We need to just preserve and enjoy these moments, the ones that are happening right now, so that we can look back on the 96 pictures and really remember what it felt like when Jack was 8 and learning to pitch for the first time and learning to bat on pitches that weren't purposely thrown right over the plate :) This is what childhood is really all about!

We interrupt this blog...

Little Mr. Finn has rolled over!! My beautiful, littlest man, all of 15 1/2 weeks old has rolled from his back to his tummy! I could hardly believe my eyes. My Mom and I were talking and I look over at Finn and he is on his belly. He wasn't even annoyed that he was on his tummy. I am so happy. Let the mayhem begin :) In my experience once a baby starts rolling, they are non stop movement. I guess I really need to get on the ball with childproofing now!

Just wanted to share the good news!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Girls

My Ryleigh and Madasyn! Are there two sweeter people on Earth? I am so incredibly Blessed to have these two amazing, inspiring girls, whom I am able to call "My daughters." They are different as night and day and yet still so similar. Either one of them would give you the shirt off her back, her hand to hold or her shoulder to cry on.

Ryleigh is the old soul. At 12 years old, she has already drawn out a path for her life and is strong in her faith of Heavenly Father and the church that has brought her to Him. After high school, Ryleigh is planning on attending BYU, majoring in Pre Med to eventually become a Pediatrician. She has worked really hard to bring up her grades this year and is very focused on her goals. She is generous, patient, helpful, optimistic...just to name a few of her qualities. She has become just an amazing young woman and it seems to have happened overnight!

Madasyn is the dreamer! She is 10 years old and is taking it all in. Maddi lives her life very in the moment. Something I wish I could do! She really wants to be a Chef one day, but right now a lot of her interests lie in singing and acting. She had a very small part in the High School play Oliver (along with other Elementary age children) and LOVED it! She is friendly, out going, loving, just generally happy to be alive, happy to share her love for life with others! Madasyn is really coming into her own and it still blows me away to watch her grow and change everyday.

As sisters, they are 28 months apart and have always been close. They seem to have an instant bond. From the moment Ryleigh held Maddi for the first time, her eyes lit up, there was an instant connection! This is so foreign to me, being an only child. To be born with a Best Friend...I can't imagine! I am always encouraging them to nurture their relationship and to really take part in each other's lives. No one will ever know either one of them better than the other. They are two very lucky girls to have a wonderful sister for support and love.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Very First Blog

Well, I just had to jump on this band wagon. It seems that everyone I know or have been meeting lately has a Blog. And just in case my plate isn't full enough, I thought that I just had to have one too. They are pretty fun to read, in my opinion. I do somewhat feel a little strange reading about people's lives, but then again as a SAHM it can make the day a little more interesting. Hopefully someone will enjoy reading about my misadventures as a mom on the run with five children running in five directions. I will also try and post some of the fruits of my hobbies as well, but not on a separate Blog because I don't have the energy to run two of these, the house, and keep up on facebook. So I hope you all enjoy and take the time out of your day to see how we are Making Up Our History!