Seriously, this is just insane to me! He is my first born son. I remember the day he was born, though some of the details are vague, it doesn't seem like that long ago...

Jackson at nine...
You are 55lbs and I am guessing about 4'1"?? Or something close to that :)
You wear a size 8 pants, but mostly for the length, because you can actually wear Hunter's 4Ts and 5Ts, and sometimes in your haste in the morning, you try
Your favorite toys are Legos, Bakugan, Pokemon Cards, and most video games. Though right now you are really into Halo Reach!
You love to go to Church and have some wonderful friends there...The Tobey boys, Sam, Drew, and really you just love everyone :)
You still hope to grow up and play Major League Baseball and I still believe you can :)
You are super duper smart! A math whiz! You shock me sometimes at how fast you can solve math problems in your head in seconds. You are getting more into reading. In fact just this past week, you and I have been to the library twice! You are loving the Magic Tree House non fiction books!
The best thing about you is how loving and charming you are, or I should say, can be.
You have been struggling with your Dad moving away, so you have needed some extra reassurance and hugs, but you have really gone through it well. I am so proud of you!
I am always impressed with how good you are to your baby brothers. Hunter loves you so much and loves to spend every minute he can with you. I know it is hard on you sometimes, but you are usually pretty patient and understanding with him. Thank you. Finn just smiles every time you enter the room. I'm sure he can't wait to hang with you too.
You said to me the other day, that you wanted a baby sister, but you weren't sure how you could protect three younger So sweet. Don't worry, you will only have the two to worry about :)
You are becoming less of a "little" boy everyday and I am so proud of you and could not love you more! Thank you for bringing all the joy to my life!
Happy Birthday, my precious first son! And remember what I taught you when you were 2..."Jackson, who loves you more than Mommy?" "No one."
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