Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monday's Week in the Life

I know I am a little behind on posting about my project, but I have really been trying to focus on it while still running the house and making it to all the kids activities. Whew, that can be super exhausting.

Ok, so Monday I was super excited to get started and was totally on the ball. I recorded everything I did and the time that I did it. That was a lot of recording, but interesting to see just how much I could cram into one day :) One of my favorite quotes from Monday was when Hunter and I went into his room to turn on his TV he looked at me and said " My Hunter room is a mess!" LOL! Which translates into "Clean my Hunter room Mom." Before 10am I had finished paking lunches, gor Hunter breakfast and changed, said goodbye to Mad and Jack, fed and changed Finn, watched Desperate Housewives while he ate, did a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, gave Finn a bath, took Finn's 16 week photos, cleaned out my container cupboard and laid Finn back down for a morning nap. It was after looking at this that I really realized, that Moms, stay at home or working, are really able to accomplish many tasks in a short amount of time and rarely, if ever do we get recognition. Yet, somehow, we wake up the next day and do it all again.

I have a feeling this is going to be a very eye opening project and I really encourage all of my friends and family to do it. Even if you only do one day and even if you aren't a scrapbooker! I am so glad that I follow Ali Edwards blog and was finally motivated to do this for myself and family! How fun it is going to be to look back one day and see what we did :)


  1. You go, girl!! Productive days like that seem few and far between for me most of the time!

  2. This is such a great idea because it would motivate me to get get lots and lots done if I was recording everything I did! I wouldn't want to waste any time! :) Not that we really do, as stay at home moms! :) At least it definitely sounds like you don't - you are great at accomplishing a ton!

  3. I am hit or miss with productivity LOL. But this project was very motivating. I had to do things to be able to take pics :) You two should do it! How awesome will it be to look back on these days years from now. I wish I would have done this when my older three were young.
